The Wonderful World of Kindergarten

Welcome to our Reggio Emilia inspired classroom at Dr. David Suzuki School.
JoAnne Pizzuto, OCT & Jocelyne Brent, RECE, BASc (Hons)

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Water Filtration Desconstruction

So...what happens when a water filtration system is taken apart and examined?
 We get to sort out all of the rocks and stones...
then we see what's left behind!
The first drawer that filtered the dirty water gathered from outside puddles had the most dirt, trash and large items. It was the drawer filled with big rocks.
The second drawer that filtered the water that had traveled through the drawer with rocks had some dirt on the top and under the mesh. It was the drawer filled with stones.
The third drawer that filtered the water that had traveled through the drawer with rocks, then the drawer with stones had a fine layer of very soft mud on top. 
It was the drawer filled with sand.

Conclusion: Water filtration systems filter out dirt and clean the water!

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