The Wonderful World of Kindergarten

Welcome to our Reggio Emilia inspired classroom at Dr. David Suzuki School.
JoAnne Pizzuto, OCT & Jocelyne Brent, RECE, BASc (Hons)

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Working With Plasticine

Plasticine is a very important material in our art studio...and with good reason!

 Can you spot the scissor skills that children are practicing?
Can you see the fingers that are being strengthened as they work the hard plasticine?
Can you see the strength wrists are developing as the plasticine is being cut?

Can you spot the fine motor skills the children are perfecting?

How many senses are the children using when working with the plasticine?

Do you notice the details the children are adding to their creations?
Why are the children making certain colour choices? What story are they developing?

Plasticine...more than meets the eye!

Check out one of our favourite authors and her marvelous plasticine illustrations.

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