The Wonderful World of Kindergarten

Welcome to our Reggio Emilia inspired classroom at Dr. David Suzuki School.
JoAnne Pizzuto, OCT & Jocelyne Brent, RECE, BASc (Hons)

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Chain Reaction

The chain links had been sorted by colour and left at the carpet during play. The children were invited to explore them with words like 'patterning', 'counting' and 'measuring'.

Children were introduced to the idea of a 9 and 1 pattern and skip counting. We began to skip count and children wanted their chain to be 'longest'. The longer they got, the higher we counted! Children wanted to make 'hundred chains'! 
Children began linking their hundred chains together. We decided to see if the chain was long enough to reach from the second floor down to the Outdoor Cafe area.

We made predictions! The children below tried to reach high and grab the bottom of the chain. It did not reach the floor. 

But what it did do was create excitement! So many boys and girls began to join in on the action! A chain reaction of chain link activities began!
We decided to link ourselves all the way to the office. 

"Then they can just follow the chain 
to see where it goes and come and see us!" Keegan Mc.

Time and again, over many days, chains were assembled, taken apart, played with, and reassembled. Groups of children went on 'chain repair' patrol. Eventually, the chain moved across the floor... then out the door... then down the hall.
Children added to the length of chain each in their own way. Some created patterns. Others counted lengths. Some children were happy to join links and join in the excitement!
 They worked alone, they worked in groups, they shared, they repaired, and the chain got longer... and longer... and longer! 

"I know! We can make it go down the hall and up the stairs and down the upstairs hall and down the other stairs and come all the way back to us!" Cameron and Shayn.

But would we have enough links? Would there be enough links to get to the office? We looked at how many links we had used and how many were left and made predictions.

We made it all the way to the office! Still we had more links. Next stop... Grade 1! 
Looking at the amount of links left in the baskets, 
"I don't think we have enough now." Keira
"Maybe we do." Ireland
"We can make it. There's lots!" Kylynn

The last link was added by Kylynn as Cameron looked on and Jayden D. looked at the locker we ended in front of. So close!

 The boys and girls continued in their excitement.
 Then Brody decided to measure his shoe. 
Many of us measured and compared the length of our shoes as we waited for children who had worked on the chain reaction to gather for a group picture.  

A fun and exciting chain of events linked us all together!

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