The Wonderful World of Kindergarten

Welcome to our Reggio Emilia inspired classroom at Dr. David Suzuki School.
JoAnne Pizzuto, OCT & Jocelyne Brent, RECE, BASc (Hons)

Sunday 2 February 2014

Lego City

The children's interest in Lego's has continued to grow and grow and grow!!!

As they have worked on this interest throughout the year, we've noticed how much more detailed their pieces have become. The children have put such time and effort into the planning, the stories and the explanations of their pieces.

We are seeing the difference that teamwork and collaboration is making.

You can imagine our excitement when we received a reply to the letter we sent to the President of Lego!!!  The letter was signed by four Lego workers. They loved the pictures and even looked at our blog. Now they have our letter up for all the workers to see, so that everyone knows how important their job is and how happy the children are when they get to play with Lego!

The letter spurred a renewed interest in making the most of our Lego's. Lego City is being built and the children are making sure they include all the things they know about cities.

The children have made labels, maps, vehicles, buildings... even a volcano!  We are so excited about Lego and our connection with the Lego company that we have sent another letter to them. Look out summer yard sales... there will be some teachers from the wonderful world of kindergarten on a Lego lookout!!

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